Platform design for an email productivity tool powered by artificial intelligence that works to generate a unique Trusted Email Network by analysing network activity and message content to deliver advanced filtering of spam and a prioritised inbox.
In work and personal life, we spend a lot of time in email—the basics of communicating and strategising soon expanded to include newsletters, promotions, passwords, baby pictures, invoices and receipts, downloads, spammers and attackers.
The bulging list of responsibilities that email holds sits perpendicular to the open and extremely simple technology it is built on. Anyone with your email address can contact you—and so over time, the place that we spend 40% of our professional lives has gotten louder and harder to manage.
Ten proposes a structure for email that builds it around principles of default-closed communication—setting up a Trusted Email Network that connects across your personal and work accounts. Ten’s machine learning continuously refines this network and forces third parties to authenticate, building a library of trusted and untrusted accounts.
The future of email is cleaner, quieter, and more trustworthy—focusing on the messages that matter and not on the busy work of organisation. Ten’s visual identity is drawn from the expectation of cleanliness that Ten’s mission proposes—and in a clear departure, purposefully obscures the platform’s deeply complex and experimental machine learning and it’s history as an enterprise-ready cybersecurity technology.
The friendly smile marque is modelled after a message bubble and an intersecting door opening—with the remainder of branded assets similarly exacting in gridded nature—including micro duotone icons, a type system around TT Commons, and colour system heavily reliant on greys with interjecting highlights of blue and red.
After producing branded guidelines, the team led development on a beta portal built upon our principles of transparency and simplicity—where users could sort and preview email requests, and manage their growing Trusted Email Network. The Ten project was disbanded after 8 months of development pending lack of market demand, and was not moved forward to public beta.